
For Your Amusement: THE FOOL ON THE HILL

Day after Day
Alone on a Hill
The man with the Foolish Grin is Keeping Perfectly Still

After a rise in the number of cases of COVID-19 in the states, and more importantly a similar drop in the stock market and poll numbers for THE DJT, the President determined the outbreak may not be a hoax. Earlier this week, he went on TV and announced due to his superior strategy of cutting off travel to China, Americans were at less risk than the rest of the world.

But Nobody wants to Know Him
They can see that he’s just a Fool
And He never gives an Answer

Then, he promptly announced a thirty day ban on travel to and from Europe, because our closest allies need to know we come first. On top of that he asked for another tax cut to keep us the strongest economy, or was it to tell Wall Street he was still on their side?

Well on the Way
Head in a Cloud
The Man of a Thousand Voices
Talking Perfectly Loud

When Democrats and even some Republicans said he didn’t go far enough and should declare a National Emergency, THE DJT said it wasn’t necessary because he had a lot of options given to him by The Stafford Act, which he had practically memorized and most people don’t know. He didn’t say as much this time, but the words “stable genius” come to mind. However, when the market and poll numbers continued to plummet he issued a hasty decision to free up over $40 Billion of FEMA and local funds, which did reverse the direction of poll and stock market numbers, at least for one day.

But Nobody ever hears Him
Or the Sound he appears to Make
And He never seems to Notice

Asked if he took any responsibility for not getting out in front of the spread of the outbreak, especially given THE DJT’s decision to eliminate the national health security office that monitored pandemics, he said, “I don’t take responsibility at all.” Several channelers of President Harry “The Buck Stops Here” Truman reported the former president turned over in his grave at that precise moment.

And Nobody seems to like Him
They can tell what He Wants To Do
And he Never Shows his Feelings

After photographs and video of THE DJT at Mar-a-lago this past weekend with an aide to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who had tested positive for COVID-19, he told the press he didn’t know the man. “I take lots of pictures with people I don’t know.”

And he Never Listens to Them
He Knows that They’re the Fools
They Don’t like Him

A number of the press pointed out that others who had been at Mar-a-lago this weekend were self-quarantined and asked if THE DJT planned to get tested for COVID-19. He said he probably would but wouldn’t say when or if he’d release the results. THE DJT proceeded to shake hands with those surrounding him without any concern for the protocol of bumping elbows to avoid the spread of the virus.

The Fool on the Hill
Sees the Sun going Down
And the Eyes in his Head
See the World Spinning ‘Round

Special thanks to John Lennon and Paul McCartney for all their help with this article.

I am a writer, husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, retired teacher, homeowner, taxpayer and citizen. A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I earned my PhD in Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. My dream is to be the kind of author whose work you enjoy so much you have difficulty waiting for the next book to arrive.