• Blog

    Is the First Amendment Under Attack?

    I want to clearly label this post in my blog. This is my OPINION! Let’s not get it confused with news. My hope is to lay out some factual arguments for why my opinion should be valued, but I’m not going to pretend that this post adheres to the rigorous standards quality journalism, which is a cornerstone of our democracy, applies to the reporting of actual news. I woke up today to the news that Julian Assange was arrested. First, let me make clear, I do not consider Mr. Assange, the co-founder of WikiLeaks either a hero or a villain. Rather, he is a symbol. For the last seven years…

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    The Best Defense is a Strong Offense

    Right from the start Our Fearless Leader has gone on the offensive. Never one to be concerned with facts, he created a desperate situation where there was none. The two previous administrations cut the number of immigrants entering the country. The numbers coming across our southern border had gone down each year for decades. Statistically, the likelihood of an immigrant perpetrating a violent crime is significantly less than a native. Again, why worry about facts? Our Fearless Leader built his offensive on attacking institutions Americans have put their faith in for our entire history. Let’s take a look at a few targets: the press, the intelligence community and congress. News…

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    Authors Speak Out

    When I am working on a novel, my mind, heart and soul get wrapped up in its world. Even though it is a fictitious world, one of my own invention, it bears a strong resemblance to reality. There has to be a certain amount of truth to it or the reader won’t buy it. My stories are my main way of speaking out, but not my only way. Like my non-writing friends, I find it necessary to comment on what is going on around me. Sometimes, my response is immediate. Other times, I find it helps to analyze, reflect and evaluate. This past weekend in Newport Beach, about twenty-five miles…