
For Your Amusement: WHO GETS THE LAST LAUGH?

DJT: All right, Mitchie, Mitch, I’ve done the heavy lifting. Gotcha another solid conservative. All you gotta do is confirm her nomination.

Mitchie, Mitch: Easy for you to say. You don’t have any of those stinkin’ Democrats in the White House.

DJT: You’ve got a good point there Ol’ MitchConnell. Get me re-elected and we’ll work on getting an all Republican Senate in 2022.

Mitchie, Mitch: It would take at least six years.

DJT: Don’t be ridiculous. We changed the court in three. We can change the senate in two.

Mitchie, Mitch: You do realize only a third of the senate is up for election every two years?

DJT: Who came up with that crazy idea?

Mitchie, Mitch: The same guys who gave us the Bill of Rights.

DJT: The Bill of Rights. Oh, yeah, more regulations. You mean the Democrats. No wonder the country is all screwed up.

Mitchie, Mitch: My feelings exactly. Well, I’m going to go get to work on Amy Coney Barrett.

DJT: Who?

Mitchie, Mitch: Amy Coney Barrett. Your pick for the Supreme Court.

DJT: Right, right. Barretti. Great woman. Great judge. She’ll see right through this voting sham the Democrats are trying to pull. You go get her confirmed. No delays. Get it done. By Election Day.

DJT ushers Mitchie, Mitch out of the Oval Office.

RBG: Never did like that guy. Knew he couldn’t be trusted.

DJT looks around at where the voice is coming from, but sees nothing.

DJT: Who is that? Come out where I can see you.

RBG: It’s me. Judge Ruth. You couldn’t wait to see cancer get the better of me. Well, it happened. So, now I’m dead and you can’t see me.

DJT: But, I hear you.

RBG: Go figure. Maybe, you do have a conscience.

DJT: Don’t count on it. The only reason I went to see you lying in state at the Capitol on Friday was Melania wanted to go. But we left right away because some of your friends were making fools of themselves.

RBG: You mean the ones shouting, “Vote him out.”

DJT: You saw that?

RBG: Oh, yeah. This place is like CNN, FOX, Twitter, Facebook and Google all rolled into one. Twenty-four/seven. I don’t miss a thing.

DJT: All right. So, what do you want?

RBG: You know what I want.

DJT: You mean that last wish bullshit?

RBG: I thought if I used the word “fervent” you’d know it was me.

DJT: “Fervent?” Yeah, that does sound like you. What does it even mean?

RBG: I’ll give you a hint, Donny-boy. It’s how you like them to be at your rallies.

DJT: Oh, yeah. Feisty, excited, en-thu-si-as-tic! So, that was you.

RBG: Of course it was me. You think my granddaughter would lie about that?

DJT: I figured it was all too convenient. That that Shifty Schiff put her up to it.

RBG: You really are devious.

DJT: I just know how to win.

RBG: Well, you don’t win this one.

DJT: What’s that supposed to mean?

RBG: It means you made your bed and now you get to lie in it.

DJT: Do you know something about Barretti that I don’t?

RBG: Let’s just say, I know who gets the last laugh.

RBG starts laughing as DJT’s nose suddenly grows long and she appears like a little fairy sitting on it. She holds her sides as she rolls in laughter.

Any similarity to reality is purely coincidental. All characters are fictitious creations of the author. Special thanks to Rob Maystead and Chris Stephenson for drawing images nearly identical to the ones used here.

I am a writer, husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, retired teacher, homeowner, taxpayer and citizen. A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I earned my PhD in Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. My dream is to be the kind of author whose work you enjoy so much you have difficulty waiting for the next book to arrive.