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    For Your Amusement: WHO GETS THE LAST LAUGH?

    DJT: All right, Mitchie, Mitch, I’ve done the heavy lifting. Gotcha another solid conservative. All you gotta do is confirm her nomination. Mitchie, Mitch: Easy for you to say. You don’t have any of those stinkin’ Democrats in the White House. DJT: You’ve got a good point there Ol’ MitchConnell. Get me re-elected and we’ll work on getting an all Republican Senate in 2022. Mitchie, Mitch: It would take at least six years. DJT: Don’t be ridiculous. We changed the court in three. We can change the senate in two. Mitchie, Mitch: You do realize only a third of the senate is up for election every two years? DJT: Who…